Featuring: Bunny_The_Pit from Instagram

We asked Maunel from New York, A.K.A., Bunny_ The_Pit on Instagram for his story and this is what he said!
"For me the biggest reason to adopt was to be able to give a dog a second chance to be happy and spoiled. When I met Bunny, I just knew she was the one I have been looking for and I made the decision right there. The best reason to adopt a dog is because it's the right thing to do. If you're looking to get a dog there's no reason to buy a new puppy. Chances are that the dog you're looking for is out there in a shelter or organization.
Giving them a new life (and spoiling them a little) is gonna make you the best human being and they will appreciate it for life. Even if you cannot adopt think about volunteering or donating to organizations. Shelters are always in need of an extra pair of hands for walking, cleaning, grooming, etc. Help them give the pups a second chance."
Thank you, Manuel, for your response! We also believe that if you’re looking for a pet you should head out to your local shelters first and see if you can find one that Spark's Joy and adopt! Thank you for your response and I hope this will Spark someone to go out and make a difference in an animal’s life - Michael Jaurigue
Find them on Instagram @Bunny_The_Pit
We are looking for people to interview that have a story! Do you have a tale of how your fur babies found its forever home? Join us with the #SPARKandBARK interviews. Tell us how your pets "SPARKS" joy in your life and "BARK" about it to the world. This way maybe someone will find their own SPARK and find a pet looking for a forever home. Each response will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook and Blog. Just send us a picture of you and your pet and tell us the back story! That's the goal here at Sparky Steps: inspire, share adorable pictures, make an impact, give back and create a community of people who love animals. Interested in being a part of the community? Here's the link https://sparkysteps.com/blogs/blog/whats-your-story
Join the #SPARKandBARK Movement!