Blog — Category_Dog_Care
How Do You House Train Your Puppy?
Category_Dog Training Category_Dogs Category_Dog_Care Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Accidents in the house are a normal part of having a puppy, but dog owners eagerly await the day when they can leave behind the indoor cleanup. While you definitely want your puppy to do their business outside, how do you get to that point? House training your puppy takes patience and persistence. These tips can help you work through the process of potty training. Create a Schedule You can start house training your puppy at 12 to 16 weeks old. In many cases, this will be right when you bring your pup home for the...
Summer Safety Tips For People Who Love Their Pets
Category_Cat_Care Category_Dog_Care Writer_Brandon_Butler

Brandon Butler Source If you have big summer adventures planned with your furry friends – cat or dog – you’ll want to take the time and money to get prepared to ensure their safety. Although common sense is key, it pays to take a quick look at a few common precautions to help you gear up for summer with your best four-legged friend. Sparky Steps offers the following tips to help you keep everyone in your entourage safe in the summer sun. Check the weather before you head out the door. Source Humans sweat. This is our body’s...