Blog — Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow
How To Keep Your Dog Safe During The Holidays
Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Category_Informational Category_Winter Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

How To Keep Your Dog Safe During The Holidays With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we can sometimes put our guards down and forget to take steps towards keeping our furry best friends safe, especially during those big holiday parties. Make sure that your dog is taken care of during the holiday season and has a season full of joy as well. Here are some things to keep in mind this season in order to keep your dog safe: Be cautious of all the holiday plants If you have a live tree, make sure that it...
Best Local Holiday Gifts For Your Dog
Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Category_Informational Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

Best Local Holiday Gifts For Your Dog In the last couple of years, there has been a huge push to shop local during the holiday season. Movements such as #ShopLocal have encouraged supporting local businesses and supporting your community. And you know if your dog could shop, they would want to do the same. So, it’s time to make their dreams come true. Here’s a list of our must-have holiday dog gifts this season. And the best part? They can all be found from local Chicago businesses. Happy Dog Bakery--12 Treats of Christmas Box Are you ready to see...
10 Dog Instagrams To Help You Get You Through Your Day
Category_Creative Category_Dogs Category_Instagram Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

10 Dog Instagrams To Help You Get You Through Your Day Nothing can brighten up a busy workday like seeing a video or photo of an adorable puppy. This is even more possible on Instagram and if you’re anything like me, you can easily find yourself in an Instagram hole, just looking at cute dogs for hours on end. Here are some of my favorite dog Instagram accounts that are sure to put a smile on your face: @porkchop.thefluffycorgi Porkchop is my newest Instagram discovery and I am madly in love. Porkchop is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and is...
The Science Behind Why Our Dogs Love Us So Darn Much
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Love Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

The Science Behind Why Our Dogs Love Us So Darn Much If you have a dog, then you know that feeling when you look down at your fur baby and you just can’t even fathom how something could love you so unconditionally. As it turns out, you’re right about that love, and there’s science to back it up. Dogs and humans have been linked together for thousands of years, so much so, that there is research to prove that our two species have adapted together. Although dogs are almost genetically identical to wolves, there are important differences. Scientists have found...
Road Tripping With Your Dog
Category_Dogs Category_Summer Category_Trips Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

How To Take A Road Trip With Your Dog It’s finally summertime and that means that for some of you, a road trip is right around the corner. One of the reasons that you might be taking a road trip is because you want to take your dog on vacation with you! We here at Sparky Steps totally understand that. Why wouldn’t you want to enjoy a new experience with your best furry friend? However, as you’re taking a road trip, it is important to keep your dog as safe and as comfortable as possible so they’re enjoying the vacation...