Blog — Category_Adopt
Interview with ItsFictionsWorld
Category_Adopt Category_Adopt_Shelter_Animals Category_Dogs Category_SparkandBark Category_Spark_and_Bark Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

We interviewed @ITSFICTIONSWORLD from Instagram! What’s Your Story? “I love him more than anything, and especially in the pandemic...he keeps me sane.” “We live in Chicago on the north side near Wrigley field. He sparks joy for me because he is always happy and energetic. He is obsessed with fetch and has a favorite toy he carries around the house. I love to dress him up and am building his collection of pocket squares to add to his cuteness, it makes him popular in the neighborhood.” “When I was in my senior year of college, I stayed at University...
Interview With @_StellaThePit_
Category_Adopt Category_Adopt_Shelter_Animals Category_Breeds_Rottweiler Category_Dogs Category_Dogs_Pitbull Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

We interviewed Kate Stella From Chicago, IL, USA with her pup Stella, A.K.A. @_stellathepit_ on Instagram! Tell us about Stella! “Stella is a half pittie, half rottie mix who is consistently called “the sweetest girl” by anyone who meets her! She loves to cuddle and has never met an antler she won’t chew.” Who are you? What are you about! “I’m Kate, a late 20-something who works in healthcare and is totally obsessed with my dog. Having Stella has opened my eyes to a whole new world of training (so thankful for our e-collar) and responsibility (having a dog — no matter their...
Interview With EddiesWorld01
Category_Adopt Category_Interviews Category_SparkandBark Category_Spark_and_Bark Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

We interviewed Anna Eddie From Chicago, IL, USA with her pup Eddie, A.K.A. @eddiesworld01 on Instagram! Tell us about Eddie! “Eddie is a 5 yo Chihuahua MinPin who was rescued in the Bay Area when he was 2. He has a spunky personality and has energy for days!! I first saw him online and when I went to visit him at the shelter he was very timid and you could tell he didn’t trust people. Since then he has blossomed into the lovable boy he is with a ton of confidence.” Who are you? What are you about! “I am very proud...
Interview With @Lemon.The.Labrador
Category_Adopt Category_Breeds_Labrador_Retriever Category_Dogs Category_Spark_and_Bark Category_Virus Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

We interviewed Tara Lemon From Chicago, IL, USA with Lemon, A.K.A. @lemon.the.labrador on Instagram! Tell us about Lemon! “Lemon is a 6 month old yellow lab puppy! She is smart, sweet, and very sassy. She is obsessed with dogs and people, and loves anything as long as she is doing it with her people. She loves to listen when treats are involved, and loves to ignore us when she is being naughty!.” Who are you? What are you about! “I am a labor and delivery nurse in Chicago! It has been stressful navigating this pandemic this year. Lemon has brought me...
How COVID-19 Helped With Animal Adoptions
Category_Adopt Category_Covid-19 Writer_Kathryn_Minniti

How COVID-19 Helped With Animal Adoptions Here at Sparky Steps, we know that having a furry companion was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. But, many families or individuals who have often dreamt of wanting a furry friend had a few daunting reasons for not joining pet parenthood. Two popular reasons people tend to opt out of fostering or adopting are work and travel. It is understandable that someone who travels for work often may not be the best contestant for a new pet. But back in March 2020, our nation was hit with arguably one of the...