Blog — Writer_Audrey_Beim
How to Be Pet Prepared for a Natural Disaster
Category_Dogs Category_Emergency Category_Informational Category_Safety Category_Security Writer_Audrey_Beim

How to Be Pet Prepared for a Natural Disaster When a natural disaster strikes, the first priority is always the safety and care of your family members. As pet parents, the well-being of your furry family members is also top of mind. Unfortunately, according to the American Humane Association, one in three pets will become lost at some point during their life. Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to long-term evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe. The best thing you can do...
Why You Must Microchip Your Pet
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Microchip Category_Safety Category_Security Writer_Audrey_Beim

Why You Must Microchip Your Pet We love our pets. In fact, most of us consider them family members. They provide companionship, unconditional love, comfort, affection, and just plain happiness. We will do just about anything we can to ensure their happiness and well-being. And we would be lost without them. That is why it is so difficult to understand why some pet parents do not take the time to microchip their furry best friends and register their contact information. Lost or Stolen The statistics are not only sad, but they are also preventable. According to the American Humane...
The Value of Vaccinations
Category_Dogs Category_Emergency Category_Health Category_Informational Category_Social_Mission Writer_Audrey_Beim

The Value of Vaccinations We love our pets for so many reasons. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and stress release. They entertain us, cheer us up, and can be the perfect exercise pals. All these and more are reasons to vaccinate your furry friends. Vaccinations improve your pet’s overall quality of life and protect them from contagious and deadly diseases. What are Vaccines? Vaccines promote protective immune responses in pets. They have two major benefits: Vaccinations are life-saving products (usually injections) that help prepare dogs, cats, and others to fight viruses and infections Vaccines can lessen the severity of...
The 3 Best Ways to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Category_Diet Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Writer_Audrey_Beim

The 3 Best Ways to Help Your Dog Lose Weight The statistics are shocking; approximately 56% of dogs and 60% of cats were classified as clinically overweight or obese by their veterinary healthcare professional.<1> That equals approximately 50.2 million dogs and 56.5 million cats in the United States that are too heavy for their good health. You may have heard about Chubbs the 29-pound cat who was recently in the headlines.<2> His large girth made it uncomfortable for him to move freely, and he was so big that he couldn't fit into a kennel. The extra weight made him susceptible...
7 Significant Reasons to Hire a Professional Cat Sitter
Category_Cats Category_Cat_Sitter Writer_Audrey_Beim

7 Significant Reasons to Hire a Professional Cat Sitter If you are one of the 57.81 million people who have a cat in their household, then you know the pure joy of having a feline companion.<1> And if you are also one of the 62 percent of Americans who traveled or took a vacation away from home in the past year, you also know the angst of leaving your precious tabby behind.<2> Sure, you could box up your cat and drag them to an unfamiliar boarding location, but we all know that these fun furry pets can be finicky. The...