Blog — Category_Virus

Interview With @Lemon.The.Labrador

Category_Adopt Category_Breeds_Labrador_Retriever Category_Dogs Category_Spark_and_Bark Category_Virus Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

Interview With @Lemon.The.Labrador

  We interviewed Tara Lemon From Chicago, IL, USA with Lemon, A.K.A. @lemon.the.labrador on Instagram!   Tell us about Lemon! “Lemon is a 6 month old yellow lab puppy! She is smart, sweet, and very sassy. She is obsessed with dogs and people, and loves anything as long as she is doing it with her people. She loves to listen when treats are involved, and loves to ignore us when she is being naughty!.”   Who are you? What are you about!  “I am a labor and delivery nurse in Chicago! It has been stressful navigating this pandemic this year. Lemon has brought me...

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6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors

Category_Activities Category_Safety Category_Virus Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors The current shelter-in-place order doesn’t mean you can’t take your dog outside for walks. But, as the weather warms up, neighborhood sidewalks and park paths are becoming more crowded and making it difficult to observe social distancing. Plus, those of us working from home may find that our dogs’ need for attention has substantially increased. Try these indoor entertainment ideas for your dog.   Fetch Fetch is a classic outdoor pastime, but it can be modified for indoor fun. If you have space and some softer toys that won’t damage your home,...

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Canines and Coronavirus: Six Care Tips

Category_Health Category_Virus Writer_MaryBeth_Bittel

Canines and Coronavirus: Six Care Tips

Canines and Coronavirus: Six Care Tips The term “coronavirus” is on everyone’s mind these days. As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) explains, there are many coronavirus strains. Some (like certain types of common cold) have been circulating for years. This newest or “novel” coronavirus, officially called “SARS-CoV-2,” produces an ailment known at “COVID-19.” It’s mainly thought to spread through close person-to-person contact — even, potentially, when an infected individual shows no symptoms. The CDC notes that the virus can also live for a time on surfaces. Touching those surfaces, then touching your face, could transfer disease-producing germs. This leaves...

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