Blog — Category_Holidays
How To Keep Your Dog Safe During The Holidays
Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Category_Informational Category_Winter Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

How To Keep Your Dog Safe During The Holidays With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we can sometimes put our guards down and forget to take steps towards keeping our furry best friends safe, especially during those big holiday parties. Make sure that your dog is taken care of during the holiday season and has a season full of joy as well. Here are some things to keep in mind this season in order to keep your dog safe: Be cautious of all the holiday plants If you have a live tree, make sure that it...
Howliday Dog Gift Ideas
Category_Creative Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Writer_Kathryn_Minniti

Howliday Dog Gift Ideas For all of the people in the world who love their dogs as much as I do, get them a gift this holiday season they will never fur-get. Well, until the mailman comes. I have gathered over 10 holiday gift ideas in five different categories for those looking for some inspiration! Pajama Sets Pet and human matching pajamas. I REPEAT PET AND HUMAN MATCHING PJS! If my dog allowed me to put her in clothing, you bet she would get this in her stocking this year. I found matching sets at Target for everyone from...
7 Ways to Keep Your Dog Calm and Happy Through the Stress of the Holidays
Category_Creative Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Category_Informational Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

7 Ways to Keep Your Dog Calm and Happy Through the Stress of the Holidays The holiday season is just around the corner. For people that means second and third helpings of delicious food, opening presents, and catching with family. But, it can mean a stressful change in schedule for your pets. Here are a few tips for helping your dog handle your hectic holiday schedule. If You Are Traveling with Your Dog Many people bring their dogs home for the holidays, which can mean long hours in the car and a big change in their schedule. Have the...
Best Local Holiday Gifts For Your Dog
Category_Dogs Category_Holidays Category_Informational Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

Best Local Holiday Gifts For Your Dog In the last couple of years, there has been a huge push to shop local during the holiday season. Movements such as #ShopLocal have encouraged supporting local businesses and supporting your community. And you know if your dog could shop, they would want to do the same. So, it’s time to make their dreams come true. Here’s a list of our must-have holiday dog gifts this season. And the best part? They can all be found from local Chicago businesses. Happy Dog Bakery--12 Treats of Christmas Box Are you ready to see...
Best Gifts for Your Cat This Holiday Season
Category_Cats Category_Holidays Category_Informational Writer_Arthur_Thares

We know that cats are family, and around this time of year, it is customary for many people to get gifts for family members. The problem is that shopping for a cat in your family is harder than shopping for a family member you barely know. Part of the feline mystique is their seemingly apathetic nature, so finding something that your kitty will enjoy can be a challenge. Lucky for you, we have compiled a list of gifts for your cat that will be, well, the cat’s pajamas. An Activity Tower You love cats like us, so chances are...