Blog — Category_Allergies

Allergy Season vs Food Allergies

Category_Allergies Category_Dogs Category_Health Writer_Kathryn_Minniti

Allergy Season vs Food Allergies

Allergy Season vs Food Allergies Allergy season is in full force with the nice weather approaching. While it is easy for us to notice when the runny nose, itchy eye days are upon us, it is difficult to decipher what our dogs are feeling. You may not realize it, but our four-legged friends may be experiencing allergies too. It is important to notice the signs of seasonal or food allergies. According to PetMD, please be aware that dogs can experience similar symptoms for food and seasonal allergies which may cause you to delay possible treatment.   Symptoms Constant chewing/licking paws...

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Dogs and Seasonal Allergies

Category_Allergies Category_Dogs Writer_Christian_Harvey

Dogs and Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies Spring is truly a remarkable season. The flowers are blooming, the grass is growing and it just seems like earth is coming back to life. However, despite all of the cheerful colors and warmer weather, allergies quickly become a problem. Dogs often struggle with seasonal allergies just like we do! There are a number of potential culprits that could be causing your pet’s discomfort, namely pollen, plants, mold or insects. It’s important to observe your pet and to recognize some of the warning signs so that you can take the necessary steps to help. Below are some allergy...

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