Blog — Category_Exercise
Different Ways to Integrate Your Dog into Your Exercise Routine
Category_Biking Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Category_Hiking Category_Informational Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Different Ways to Integrate Your Dog into Your Exercise Routine Physical exercise is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, whether you have four feet or two. More than half of dog owners (64 percent) reach approximately 150 minutes of exercise each week just by walking their pets, according to Inverse. Walking around the neighborhood is one of the easiest ways to get some physical activity for you and your dog, but there are other ways to make your dog a part of your regular workouts. Running If you like to run or jog, whether as prep for...
How to Exercise Your Dog Mentally, Not Just Physically
Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Category_Informational Writer_Harrison_Howe

How to Exercise Your Dog Mentally, Not Just Physically Have you ever asked yourself, how do I make sure I give my dog enough exercise, mentally and physically? In this article we talk about a couple of cool ways to make sure your beloved pup is well exercised! Chloe just LOVES to chase her ball around the yard or go for long walks, which are great ways for her to get much-needed physical activity. But what about exercise for mental stimulation? Dogs who don't get enough mental stimulation can display all types of unwanted and undesirable behaviors. Many agree that...
Do's and Don'ts of Hiking the Trails with Your Dog
Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Category_Hiking Category_Informational Writer_Harrison_Howe

Do's and Don'ts of Hiking the Trails with Your Dog When someone tells you to take a you jump at the chance? If you enjoy hitting the hiking trails whenever you can and would love the company of your canine sidekick, there are a few things you might need to think about before heading out. Of course, the first thing is: can your dog handle the rigors of a hike? If Barkley has spent the last several months on the couch, he's likely not ready to leap into action on the trail. Ease him into it. Take him for...
The 3 Best Ways to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Category_Diet Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Writer_Audrey_Beim

The 3 Best Ways to Help Your Dog Lose Weight The statistics are shocking; approximately 56% of dogs and 60% of cats were classified as clinically overweight or obese by their veterinary healthcare professional.<1> That equals approximately 50.2 million dogs and 56.5 million cats in the United States that are too heavy for their good health. You may have heard about Chubbs the 29-pound cat who was recently in the headlines.<2> His large girth made it uncomfortable for him to move freely, and he was so big that he couldn't fit into a kennel. The extra weight made him susceptible...
Bike Riding With Your Four-Legged Buddy
Category_Biking Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Writer_Harrison_Howe

Bike Riding With Your Four-Legged Buddy Not everyone is built for all types of exercise. Have you ever asked yourself, "is it safe to ride my bike with my dog" or "how to ride my bike with my dog"? We have and we wrote this article to help you figure that out! Some people might like to hit the weights; others can spend an hour or more each day on the cardio machines. Some might like a weekend game of softball, while others tend toward tennis or bowling. Likewise, when it comes to exercise not all dogs are created equal....