Blog — Category_Breeds_Rottweiler
Interview With @_StellaThePit_
Category_Adopt Category_Adopt_Shelter_Animals Category_Breeds_Rottweiler Category_Dogs Category_Dogs_Pitbull Writer_Michael_Jaurigue

We interviewed Kate Stella From Chicago, IL, USA with her pup Stella, A.K.A. @_stellathepit_ on Instagram! Tell us about Stella! “Stella is a half pittie, half rottie mix who is consistently called “the sweetest girl” by anyone who meets her! She loves to cuddle and has never met an antler she won’t chew.” Who are you? What are you about! “I’m Kate, a late 20-something who works in healthcare and is totally obsessed with my dog. Having Stella has opened my eyes to a whole new world of training (so thankful for our e-collar) and responsibility (having a dog — no matter their...
Rottweiler: A Breed Guide
Category_Breeds_Rottweiler Category_Dogs Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Behind the Rottweiler Reputation: A Breed Guide Rottweilers have a bad reputation, similar to the misconceptions surrounding pit bulls. Many people think is breed is aggressive, unpredictable, and difficult to train. But, a properly trained Rottweiler can be extremely loyal and affectionate. Take a look behind some of the bad press and get to know the Rottweiler. Ancient History The forebears of the Rottweiler worked as cattle-driving dogs. Their name comes from Rottweil, Germany, where the dogs were left by ancient Roman troops, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica. The breed remained in Europe, often serving as a working...