Blog — Category_Safety
At-Home Dog Grooming During COVID-19
Category_Grooming Category_Safety Writer_MaryBeth_Bittel

At-Home Dog Grooming During COVID-19 When times are trying, loyal canines can provide much-needed companionship. But current social distancing guidelines are changing the way we care for them. For example, The Atlantic reports that professional groomers are temporarily discouraging dog owners from coming in. It seems that tight facility layouts can make it nearly impossible to maintain a safe degree of separation. In the era of COVID-19, are there easy at-home dog grooming tips for concerned pet parents? Fortunately, YES! Even if you’re staying closer to home, you can still keep Fido neat and clean. Read on for some helpful...
6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors
Category_Activities Category_Safety Category_Virus Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors The current shelter-in-place order doesn’t mean you can’t take your dog outside for walks. But, as the weather warms up, neighborhood sidewalks and park paths are becoming more crowded and making it difficult to observe social distancing. Plus, those of us working from home may find that our dogs’ need for attention has substantially increased. Try these indoor entertainment ideas for your dog. Fetch Fetch is a classic outdoor pastime, but it can be modified for indoor fun. If you have space and some softer toys that won’t damage your home,...
How to Approach a Service Dog Safely
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Safety Category_Service_Dogs Writer_MaryBeth_Bittel

How to Approach a Service Dog Safely Here at Sparky Steps, we provide all kinds of caring pet services – and dog walking is one of our most popular options. We’re big advocates of approaching leashed canines in a careful, responsible way. In fact, you should check out a recent blog post we shared on the subject. So here’s a related “pup quiz”: What’s the best approach to use when you encounter a leashed service dog? You’re probably familiar with the guide dogs often used by visually impaired individuals. But increasingly, folks with other physical challenges rely on specially trained...
How to Be Pet Prepared for a Natural Disaster
Category_Dogs Category_Emergency Category_Informational Category_Safety Category_Security Writer_Audrey_Beim

How to Be Pet Prepared for a Natural Disaster When a natural disaster strikes, the first priority is always the safety and care of your family members. As pet parents, the well-being of your furry family members is also top of mind. Unfortunately, according to the American Humane Association, one in three pets will become lost at some point during their life. Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to long-term evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe. The best thing you can do...
Approaching Dogs Properly: Insights to Help Keep You Safe
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Safety Writer_MaryBeth_Bittel

Approaching Dogs Properly: Insights to Help Keep You Safe It’s a statistic that really makes you stop and think about what's safe and what isn't safe. Data from the CDC and other sources indicates that several million dog bites happen every year. In fact, according to the website, more than 750,000 human victims seek medical attention annually for some type of canine bite. Many animal behaviorists will tell you that animals can try to bite when they’re feeling threatened, vulnerable or fearful. Here at Sparky Steps, we care for dogs every single day. One thing we know for sure...