Blog — Category_Weather

How to Keep Your Dog Active on Blazing Hot Summer Days

Category_Dogs Category_Summer Category_Weather Writer_Harrison_Howe

How to Keep Your Dog Active on Blazing Hot Summer Days

Too Hot For a Walk? How to Keep Your Dog Active on Blazing Hot Summer Days There's a reason we refer to summer days as hazy and lazy: when the air is humid and the heat index is into the triple digits, NO ONE wants to go for a walk...and that includes your fur baby. In fact, it's not recommended that pets go for a walk on hot summer days. For one, that pavement is HOT. A sunny day in the 80s can bake asphalt to more than 140 degrees! The minimum temperature for frying an egg? 130 degrees! So,...

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Seven Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer

Category_Dogs Category_Grooming Category_Summer Category_Weather Writer_Kathryn_Minniti

Seven Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer

Seven Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer Summer is finally here Chicago! Bring on the pool days, cold treats, and time spent outdoors. As we are getting hit with the summer heat, it is important to remember that our dogs cannot swap out their fur coats for summer attire. Dogs can easily overheat and become in serious danger if they are left in the heat for too long. Make sure you know the signs and symptoms of an overheated dog and take further precautions to avoid injury. Here are seven ways to keep your dog cool this summer:...

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Five Rainy Day Activities For You and Your Dog

Category_Activities Category_Dogs Category_Rain Category_Summer Category_Training Category_Weather Writer_Kaitlyn_Luckow

Five Rainy Day Activities For You and Your Dog

Five Rainy Day Activities For You and Your Dog Along with warmer weather comes summer rain and storms. Sometimes these storms can last for hours, even days, making you and your dog go stir crazy from sitting inside all day. However, we at Sparky Steps think that just because you can’t take your dog on a walk doesn’t mean that you still can’t have fun or get exercise indoors. Here are some activities for you and your dog to do while it’s raining cat and dogs outside:   Puzzle Toys Puzzle toys can be great for dogs not only when...

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