Interview with Little_Miss_Tilly

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Little_Miss_Tilly - Sparky Steps - SPARKandBARK INTERVIEWS

We interviewed Courtney Gabrus from Bennington, Vermont USA with her pet Tilly, A.K.A. LITTLE_MISS_TILLY on Instagram!




Tell us about Tilly!

"Tilly is a 10-month-old Border Collie. She is a very energetic and loving puppy! She is in training to become a certified therapy dog. She loves every person she meets. When in a room full of people she goes to each and every person one by one and will lay her head on their lap or wait or pets. She loves her tummy rubbed and will ask for more. She is one of the kindest dogs I have ever met."



Who are you? What are you about! 

"I am Courtney, from Vermont and am 24. I am a personal care attendant for my sister who is disabled. I am also working on my master's for Social Work. I am certified in Animal Assisted Therapy and am training Tilly. Our goal is to work in a high school together bringing joy to students and staff!"



Where did you meet?

"I met Tilly and her 1 brother and 4 other sisters in Connecticut. She was bred by an 84 year old woman who also bred terriers. She had 11 dogs at her home. My mom, my sister (who was mentioned above), and I went to meet her."



Tell us a story!

"When we went to meet Tilly, we all sat down and Tilly went up to my sister and sat in her lap and gave her kisses. It was an instant connection! My sister got excited and the other puppies got a little scared but Tilly just sat next to her watching her without any fear. Now we every morning Tilly and I wake my sister up together. Tilly jumps in bed and gives her kisses. Tilly will give her kisses throughout the day, go up to her with a toy, or just lay next to her. She is super gentle and loving towards my sister; it just puts a smile on your face."


What do you think it means to be a pet? What is a pet's purpose in this life?

"I think pets supply endless amounts of love to their human even when that person feels as though they are alone in the world. A pets purpose in life is love and bring joy to those who give it back."


What do you think are the most pressing issues that are in the pet industry today?

"Humane Treatment of Animals"

Do you think it's more important to talk about the issues or act on them? 



Thank you for your response and I hope this will Spark someone to go out and make a difference in an animal's life. Tilly sounds so loved! We are so lucky to have doggies in our life. 
- Michael Jaurigue

Find them on Instagram at Little_Miss_Tilly!

We are looking for people to interview that have a story! Do you have a tale of how your fur babies found its forever home?
Join us with the #SPARKandBARK interviews. Tell us how your pets "SPARKS" joy in your life and "BARK" about it to the world. This way maybe someone will find their own SPARK and find a pet looking for a forever home. Each response will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook and Blog. Just send us a picture of you and your pet and tell us the back story!
That's the goal here at Sparky Steps: inspire, share adorable pictures, make an impact, give back and create a community of people who love animals. Interested in being a part of the community?

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