Blog — Writer_Carrie_Pallardy
At Home on Land and in Water: A Breed Guide to the Portuguese Water Dog
Category_Breeds Category_Breeds_Portuege_Water_Dogs Category_Dogs Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Source The Portuguese Water Dog might not be as a big of a name as a Golden Retriever or a Cocker Spaniel in the canine world, but two of the breed brought fame to the name in the White House. The Obama family welcomed Bo to the White House in 2009. Bo was joined by Sunny in 2013. Learn more about the history and characteristics of Porties, as they are affectionately known. Before the White House Portuguese Water Dogs have been living happily alongside humans long before Bo and Sunny set foot in the White House....
The Dog Behind the Fluff: Meet the Bichon Frise
Category_Breeds Category_Breeds_Bichon_Frise Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Source With its white fluffy coat, the Bichon Frise is one of the most recognizable lap dog breeds. The French name of the breed roughly translates to “curly-haired lap dog.” And the name couldn’t be more apt. But, don’t let that fluffy coat fool you. There is plenty of history and personality behind the fluff. Meet the Bichon Frise. A Noble Lineage The breed name has the ring of nobility, and these dogs have, in fact, been favored by royals over the course of their long history. European nobility as early as the 13th century...
The Mighty Akita: A Breed Guide
Category_Breeds Category_Breed_Akita Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Source Akitas are a large working breed of dog, easily distinguishable due to their upwardly curled tails and fluffy coats. Their burly bodies and perky ears make them look like living teddy bears, and they have the personalities to match. Akitas are loyal and loving. While they love a good cuddle with their owners, they are energetic dogs that need time to run and play. Learn more about the history of this noble breed and what it is like to own an Akita as a pet. Hailing from Japan The Akita originated in Japan and...
Canine Agility: A Breed Guide to the Belgian Malinois
Category_Breeds Category_Breeds_Belgian_Malinois Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Source The Belgian Malinois (MAL-in-wah) breed might not be a household name, but action flick fans will probably recognize these graceful, athletic dogs from the third John Wick film. Actress Halle Berry spent hours helping to train a pair of Belgian Malinois for a couple of show-stealing scenes in the movie. Of course there is more to this breed than what you see on screen. Get to know a little bit about the history of these beautiful dogs and what it is like to own one. Belgian Shepherds The Belgian Malinois can be mistaken...
Meet the Westie: A Breed Guide to West Highland White Terriers
Category_Breeds_West_Highland_White_Terriers Category_Dogs Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Carrie Pallardy Source “West Highland white terrier” is quite the mouthful for a dog breed. The name belongs to a small, stout group of dogs with fluffy white coats. You are more likely to recognize the affectionate name of “Westie” applied to these loyal and affable canines. Adaptable animals, Westies make good pets for a variety of lifestyles. Learn more about the breed to determine if you and a Westie are a good fit for one another. A Scottish Breed Source West Highland white terriers might be adorable pets today, but they got their start by...