The Long and Short of It: A Guide to the Dachshund Breed
Dachshunds are often called wiener dogs thanks to their adorable resemblance to hotdogs. Funnily, enough the dog breed actually came first, inspiring the name of the beloved ballgame food, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). How was this breed developed? What personality traits define the Dachshund? Is this breed right for you?

Badger Dogs
The breed’s name is a German word that translates to “badger dog,” according to the AKC. Despite their small size, Dachshunds were adept at hunting and killing badgers. Their German lineage actually led to a temporary rebranding in the United States during World War I. Dachshunds were temporarily given the name of “Liberty Hounds” during the conflict.

Long Body, Short Legs
Dachshunds are considered a type of hound, which becomes pretty clear when you hear them vocalize. The breed comes in two different groups: standard and miniature. Both variations are relatively small, standing less than a foot above the ground. The standard Dachshund can weigh up to 32 pounds, while the miniature is 11 pounds or lighter, according to the AKC. The breed’s lifespan ranges from 12 to 16 years.
When it comes to the coat, there is quite a bit of variation within the breed. Dachshunds can be shorthaired, longhaired or wirehaired, according to The Spruce Pets. Shorthaired Dachshunds have smooth, fairly low-maintenance coats. Longhaired and wirehaired Dachshunds require regular brushings and likely professional grooming. The breed comes in a wide range of colors and patterns.
Dachshund’s elongated body shape is cute, but it also means a little extra care to ensure your pup doesn’t put on any extra weight. The breed is prone to intervertebral disc disease, according to The Spruce Pets. In addition to keeping your Dachshund at a healthy weight, you’ll need to keep her doing any sort of activities (like hopping down from the furniture) that could damage her back.

The Dachshund Personality
Bred as hunters, Dachshunds retain wily, curious personalities. They bond with their owners, and their alert nature, despite their diminutive size, can make them excellent watchdogs. Their energetic natures mean they require regular exercise, but you might find them a little stubborn in the training department. Consistency and hard work will help house and obedience train your Dachshund.

At Home with a Hotdog
Don’t be fooled by the size of a Dachshund. This breed still needs proper socialization with children and other pets, like any other dog. Dachshunds have a high prey drive, which means smaller pets, like a hamsters or guinea pigs, are best kept well out of reach. When it comes to kids, Dachshunds do best when raised around children, according to The Spruce Pets. If you are introducing an adult dog into your family home, be sure to teach your children how to handle the dog to keep its back safe and supervise their interactions.

If you think you are ready to offer a sausage dog a loving home, Midwest Dachshund Rescue serves Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
Written by Carrie Pallardy
Check out the Sparky Steps Dachsund Tee!