Dogs and Seasonal Allergies

Category_Allergies Category_Dogs Writer_Christian_Harvey

Sparky Steps - Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies

Spring is truly a remarkable season. The flowers are blooming, the grass is growing and it just seems like earth is coming back to life. However, despite all of the cheerful colors and warmer weather, allergies quickly become a problem. Dogs often struggle with seasonal allergies just like we do! There are a number of potential culprits that could be causing your pet’s discomfort, namely pollen, plants, mold or insects. It’s important to observe your pet and to recognize some of the warning signs so that you can take the necessary steps to help. Below are some allergy symptoms for your pet:



If your dog begins to itch themselves excessively, it could be a symptom of seasonal allergies. My family had a German Shepard named Peaches for over 13 years. Every year around this time, she would begin to itch vigorously. She would also nibble at her legs, leaving marks.


Swollen or irritated paws

Your dog’s paws come into contact with a lot of allergens, including plants, grass and pollen. As such, red, swollen paws are one of the most tell-tale signs your dog is suffering from allergies. However, this isn’t always seasonal. If you use chemicals on your lawn, be even more diligent in checking your puppy. Exposure to such substances can cause your canine’s paws to become inflamed or raw.


Red, puffy eyes

Much like humans, dogs often suffer from irritated eyes as a result of allergies. If your dog’s eyes are red, swollen and itchy, it may be time to take them into the vet.


Irritated skin & Hot Spots

“Hot spots” are particularly common in dogs that are suffering an allergic reaction. A hot spot is an irritated, oozing and infected area of a dog’s skin. Hair loss around the area is not uncommon as well. Oftentimes dogs will cause the hot spot to intensify, as they will continue to bite and scratch the affected area. It’s crucial to get your canine into treatment before this happens.


Foul Odor

If you’re not too stuffed up yourself, your nose can be a good indicator of your pet suffering from allergies. A bad scent may signify that your pet has a yeast or bacterial infection. These are especially prevalent in the ears (they’ll usually be red and inflamed as well). This list of symptoms is by no means comprehensive. Each pet is different, and may exhibit a number of indicators that they're struggling with allergies. If you think that your pet is experiencing allergic reactions, contact your vet right away.


Written by Christian Harvey




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