Happy Howl’oween
Halloween is right around the corner, which means time is ticking for your pet's costume! Surprise your trick or treaters this Halloween with your dog dressed to impress. Looking for some inspiration? Check out my pet friends below!First in line is Bodhi, and this roaring costume is from Amazon.

Or if your pet is from royalty, check out Abe, King of the Dog Park. A costume like his can be found at Petco.
I won’t forget about the ladies either. Check out Lucy in her BEEautiful costume.
Find Lucy’s Bee costume at Petsmart. Here are some similar options.
For my crafty, DIY type of owners – here is a real stiff option. Riley’s costume is homemade can you believe it? I’ll take two please.
Please be sure to keep an eye on your pet while they wear their costume. If you are leaving your home, please be sure the costume is removed to ensure safety. If your pet is anything like mine, then any type of costume, bow, or clothing is a big fat no. Some pets are not going to be feeling festive and that’s okay! Enjoy your pet for who they are and go to social media to enjoy pet costumes like the Sparky Steps Facebook or Instagram. As long as everyone has a safe and fang-tastic Halloween, we are all going to have a great night.
We want to see your pet costumes! Make sure you tag us in your pet costume photos and use the hashtag #SparkysCostume
Written by Kathryn Minniti