Blog — Writer_Harrison_Howe
Teaching Your Dog to Swim
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Swim Writer_Harrison_Howe

Every Puppy in the Pool! – Teaching Your Dog to Swim A nice swim is a great way to cool your dog off during the hot summer months. Being in water will help to maintain their body temperature while they’re outside in the heat. Remember, our pups don’t sweat the way we do; they don’t sweat to cool off their skin the way their owners do. Dogs rely on panting and sweating from their paw pads to expel the heat from their bodies. If Sasha has been pretty active out on a hot day, cooling down her body with a...
Changing Your New Dog’s Name
Category_Adopt_Shelter_Animals Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Social_Mission Category_SparkandBark Writer_Harrison_Howe

Changing Your New Dog’s Name Yay! Today is the day you bring home your newly adopted dog. So exciting. You simply can’t wait to get Puck home! She’s going to LOVE her forever home, and-- Wait…Puck? That’s the name the shelter has given your beautiful dog, but you envisioned having a Chloe. Or Sasha. Or Roxie. So, what to do? Why, rename Puck, of course. But is it that easy? It’ll take a little work, and consistency, but yes, you can—and should—rename your dog when you bring him/her home from the shelter or breeder. There are several good reasons to...
How to Walk Your Dog in Wet Weather
Category_Dogs Category_Dog_Walking Category_Informational Category_Rain Writer_Harrison_Howe

Raining on Your Parade: How to Walk Your Dog in Wet Weather When it comes to taking Buster for his daily jaunt, not every day can be like the 1985 hit “Walking on Sunshine”—as another song from Ella Fitzgerald says, into each life some rain must fall. Rainy day walks might be one of those chores that leave you cursing under your breath. Some dogs won’t go out in the rain even when coaxed, so if you have one of those pups you’re off the hook. But there are some, of course, that enjoy their daily walks so much that...
Never Too Old: How to Exercise a Senior Dog
Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Senior_Dogs Writer_Harrison_Howe

Never Too Old: How to Exercise a Senior Dog There comes a time in every dog's life when a walk around the block just isn't that easy anymore. But what to do when Rex is simply too old to do what he did as a younger pup? Despite any conditions that might afflict poor Rex, such as arthritis or obesity that are common among older dogs, it's important to keep up some form of exercise. It's been shown that regular exercise for senior dogs has a positive impact on muscles, joints, weight and even circulation. But you can't expect to...
How to Exercise Your Dog Mentally, Not Just Physically
Category_Dogs Category_Exercise Category_Health Category_Informational Writer_Harrison_Howe

How to Exercise Your Dog Mentally, Not Just Physically Have you ever asked yourself, how do I make sure I give my dog enough exercise, mentally and physically? In this article we talk about a couple of cool ways to make sure your beloved pup is well exercised! Chloe just LOVES to chase her ball around the yard or go for long walks, which are great ways for her to get much-needed physical activity. But what about exercise for mental stimulation? Dogs who don't get enough mental stimulation can display all types of unwanted and undesirable behaviors. Many agree that...