Blog — Writer_Saarah_Monawvil
Dog Friendly and Unfriendly Halloween Treats!
Category_Dogs Category_Halloween Category_Holidays Category_Treats Writer_Saarah_Monawvil

Dog Friendly and Unfriendly Halloween Treats! Halloween is right around the corner, and so are all those delicious Halloween treats and candies that’ll last through to Thanksgiving! Discounted bags of chocolates, trick-or-treaters, office parties, citywide celebrations -- Halloween is full of sugary and baked goodness that will have our kitchens filled to the brim with snacks. And while we’re indulging, our furry friends are sure to have their puppy dog eyes and adorable snouts right next to us, begging for any little taste they can get or for the split second we turn our backs. But we must proceed with...