What Summer Treats Can You Share with Your Dog?

Category_Dogs Category_Summer Category_Treats Writer_Carrie_Pallardy

Sparky Steps - What Summer Treats Can You Share with Your Dog?

What Summer Treats Can You Share with Your Dog?

Summer is a delicious time of year full of seasonal treats. While we lick our ice cream cones and indulge in our picnic spreads, we’ve probably watched our wide-eyed dogs turn on the charm and beg to share. It’s hard to turn down those puppy dog eyes, but it’s helpful to know what treats are a healthy (albeit still tasty!) option for your pet.



Berries are the perfect bite-size snack. These fruits are high in nutritious properties, like antioxidants and fiber, which can make a nice, occasional add-on to your dog’s diet. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are all safe for dogs in small amounts. Remove any stems before you share the fruit. If you want a little different twist, pop some berries in the freezer to make a cold treat your dog can munch on during a hot summer day.



Cantaloupe is sweet and juicy – the perfect summer snack. In addition to making your dog’s dreams of eating people food come true, cantaloupe is also a great source of vitamins (A, B6, and C), fiber, and potassium, according to the American Kennel Club. Feel free to share this melon with your dog, but keep a couple pointers in mind. Moderation is key. A few chunks of cantaloupe at a time are fine, but this fruit is full of sugar (too much is bad for your dog’s teeth and weight). Be sure to toss the rind and seeds in the trash, too. Those parts of the fruit could give your dog an upset stomach.



Carrots are a crunchy vegetable we people might not necessarily consider a tempting snack, but your dog will love them. You can feed your dog carrots raw, steamed, baked, or frozen, according to Paw Culture. Carrots don’t have a ton of calories, but they do have plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. Plus, a frozen carrot can be a great way to help soothe the woes of puppy teething.


Peanut butter popsicles

Popsicles are the ultimate summertime food. Try freezing peanut butter – a tried and true favorite – for a dog-friendly and protein-packed popsicle. Just remember to check the label on your peanut butter jar before sharing with your dog. Never give your dog peanut butter that includes xylitol on its ingredients list. This is potentially deadly for your pup. Opt for all-natural peanut butter brands to be on the safe side. Just like any puppy treat, serve up these frozen delights in small amounts.



Next time you cut up a pineapple, you absolutely can share a couple of slices with your dog. Pineapple is packed with fiber and tons of vitamins. The tough, spiky outside of the pineapple and dense core are best tossed in the trash. You might have heard a rumor that circulates through the pet community: pineapple will stop dogs from eating their own poop. There’s no solid evidence that this is true, according to the Labrador Site, but feel free to give it a shot.



Watermelon is synonymous with long, sunny days and warm, summer evenings. Luckily, dogs can share this juicy, sweet joy with you. Like any other sugary fruit, you’ll want to limit consumption to just a few pieces. You’ll also want to remember to keep the rind away from your dog and remove any seeds, which can cause intestinal blockages, according to the American Kennel Club.


Foods to Avoid

While you’re putting together your furry friend’s delectable summer snack menu, keep in mind there are a few foods you should definitely avoid. Chocolate is the most obvious, but there are a few foods you might not know to put on the “do not eat” list. Dairy might agree with some dogs, but stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea can be a consequence of sharing dairy foods with your pup. Think about skipping the ice cream. Highly processed foods with lots of sugar are unhealthy even for us. Try not to share things like chips and candy with your dog. Finally, never give your dog grapes or raisins. While delicious for us, these foods are highly toxic to dogs. They can even cause kidney failure, according to petMD. If you are ever unsure if you should feed something to your dog, a quick Google search can be the difference between a happy pup and a trip to the vet. Feel free to set aside some favorite, pet parent-approved treats for your dog walker, if you have one, to share with your dog. Happy eating this summer!


Written by Carrie Pallardy

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