Choosing a GPS Tracker for Your Trusty Canine Companion

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Article - Sparky Steps - Choosing a GPS Tracker for Your Dog

Choosing a GPS Tracker for Your Trusty Canine Companion

As dog lovers, we all care about the well-being of our loyal canine friends. So we always do our best to choose dependable provisions for our pets. We visit our vet to obtain skilled healthcare expertise that can help ensure a happy, vibrant life. We adjust our schedules to accommodate playtime and potty breaks. But at one point or another, we need to be apart from our furry friends. Maybe we have daily work commitments, and we’re forced to leave them behind. Perhaps we’re taking a trip, and our animal companions have to stay home. Here at Sparky Steps, we work with responsible pet owners who enjoy giving their pups plenty of TLC. That’s why we provide reliable walking with GPS tracking built into our service – so your best buddy receives outstanding care when you’re not around. But wouldn’t it be great if you could see where your dog is at all times, even when Sparky Steps isn't walking your pup? You can! Modern technology has created “smart” trackers with GPS capabilities. These devices are invaluable if your pet heads off with a hired walker — or somehow becomes separated from you. Your trusty GPS tracker can help you rapidly determine Rover’s location. As an added bonus, many of these products can help find your missing keys, wallet or smartphone, too. A GPS tracker uses a satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) to pinpoint your pooch, from practically anywhere. You can easily attach this nifty little tool to a collar. Depending on your preference, you could also clip it to a pack or harness. Most trackers allow you to access a website or app; and many also let you verify location information via smartphone. Wondering what to look for when choosing a GPS tracker? We’ve done some homework to help save you time. So get started by having a look at this quick “top features” checklist:


  1. Replaceable Battery You can’t track or recover your beloved canine if the battery in your GPS tracker is kaput. So look for a long battery life in any product you choose. More importantly, make sure the battery is replaceable and/or rechargeable. After all, certain situations might demand extended use.
  1. Water Resistance Dogs love to slobber, and they love to splash around. Often, runaway pups are drawn to water in one way or another — sometimes, they just need a drink. And dogs on a walk may get caught in a sudden seasonal downpour. For all these scenarios, make sure the device you select can stand up to some moisture.
  1. Decent Range Remember, most hounds can really hustle — especially if they get spooked and suddenly bolt away from you. And of course, if you’re using your GPS tracker to locate your dog during a Sparky Steps walk, you may be fairly far away from your furry friend. So the device you choose needs to deliver dependable data from a distance.


Several other product features may also come in handy. Examples include a nice loud alarm that grabs pet owner attention; and a subscription service option that provides enhanced support. Of course, rugged durability is also pretty critical. The truth is, you may notice a fairly broad price range for GPS trackers, based upon their standard capabilities and design. Want a few reputable product options? We’ve provided those, too! Here are several to consider, at different price points: Tile Pro & Tile Mate Amazon Price: $45 - $55 Key Benefits: Replaceable battery Solid range Two-way find feature Water resistant Findster Duo+ Pet Tracker Amazon Price: $149 Key Benefits: All-in one GPS locator & activity tracker Long battery life No monthly fees Works in every country, even off-grid Whistle 3 GPS Pet Tracker & Activity Monitor Amazon Price: $78.93 Key Benefits: All-in-one GPS locator & activity tracker Long battery life Real-time mapping Water resistant Subscription plan required for cellular connectivity Dynotag Web/GPS Enabled QR Code Smart Pet Tag Amazon Price: $16.95 - $23.95 Key Benefits: An actual QR-coded pet tag Budget-friendly tracking option Private pet web page Doesn’t need batteries Durable Water resistant So what’s the ultimate takeaway? Even if your canine doesn’t normally wander off, a GPS tracker is an incredibly handy device. For starters, you can tell exactly where your pet goes with your dog walkers. It’s also fun just to see where your furry friend enjoys exploring! Compare a few features, and see if this might be a worthwhile option for you.


Written by Marybeth Bittel

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