Fun Activities to do with your dog when it's Snowing!

Category_Activities Category_Dogs Category_Winter Writer_Christian_Harvey

Sparky Steps - Fun Activities to do with your dog when it's Snowing!

Fun Activities to do with your dog when it's Snowing!

Winter is truly a remarkable season and once it starts snowing it's time to do something! People often have mixed emotions about it, and so do dogs. Nevertheless, snow is a part of life in Chicago. As such, we here at Sparky Steps came up with some ideas for you and your fluffy friend to get the most out of this winter season. Here are the top five things to do with your dog in the snow.


Go for a walk

This may sound like a no-brainer, but many dogs love going out for walks in the snow. This is a fun opportunity for them to run around and bury their face in the powder. Just be mindful of their paws! If your dog begins limping after a prolonged walk, it may be time to get them some doggy-shoes!


Go sledding

If your pup can fit, why not take them sledding? Cruising down the hill in a plastic sled is already fun, but having a dog in your lap is going to make it exponentially more fun! Plus, they’ll get a kick out of it too (just be safe).


Play fetch

Snow adds an element of excitement to perhaps your dog’s favorite game. Is there any better feeling than watching your floofer bring you the good old tennis ball back with his or her face covered in snow? Exactly.


Teach your dog a new trick

If the weather is really cold, it’s never a bad idea to play it safe and stay inside. While you and your pup are just hanging out, try and work on the basics like shake, sit or roll over.



Put some logs in the fireplace and just kick it with your pooch. Maybe catch up on that Netflix series or indulge in a good book. We’re sure your pup will be happy as long as you provide plenty of head scratches and belly rubs. With all of the hustle and bustle of life, why not take some time to re-connect with your furry friend? However you choose to spend time with your puppy this winter is completely up to you. We here at Sparky Steps just wanted to give you some ideas. How are you and your dog spending the new year so far? Let us know! Connect with us on your favorite social media platform. Use the hashtags #SparkySteps #SparkandBark


Written by Christian Harvey

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