We interviewed Alyssa Lynch From Texas, USA with her dog, Herbie!

Tell us about Herbie!
"Herbie is a 6 year old terrier mix who loves snacks, walks, car rides, cuddles, and funny enough he also loves going to church on Wednesday nights."
"I met Herbie at the Denton Animal Shelter. I saw his picture on an ad they posted for him on Petfinder, and I immediately fell in love, he looked like a scruffy old mop!"

"I am Alyssa Lynch, a student at TWU who's working on her masters degree in marketing. I'm also a southern gospel singer and a young artist who loves to share her talents. Though out of all the things that I am and am about, most importantly, I am Herbie's dog mom!"
Tell us a story!
"It's hard to choose just one story, because Herbie's quite the little character. He's smart, he's funny, he's clingy, he's talented, he's loving; but for the question's sake, here's a recent story from his adventures. Herbie's been coming to church with me on Wednesday nights for a while now. It all started with be being gone all day and coming home with only enough time to change before church. Such a crime in dog law, I know! So, of course Herbie was crying and throwing a fit, because he could tell I wasn't staying long. He cried so hard in fact that I sent a picture to our youth pastor as a joke and asked, "Could I bring my emotional wreck to church?" and he said yes! I couldn't believe it! Herbie's been coming with me ever since and has become somewhat of a youth group mascot, so much so that he was our place holding sign at youth camp this summer. Also so much so that if I'm missing from church, I get texts about where's Herbie instead of me, which I find hilarious. He's even loved by some of our other church members too. Seeing the way he follows me around, I'm usually asked by them, "Does he follow you like that when you sing too?" Being asked that question so many times, one really does start to wonder. So, the next time around that we had a fifth Sunday night singing, I brought him. Long story short, the answer to that question is a huge yes!"

What do you think it means to be a pet? What is a pet's purpose in this life?
“I think that nowadays, to be a pet is to become family that crosses species lines. A pet's life purpose can be many things, but becoming one with the family unit is the biggest that ties all the rest together. Pets have so much love to give, even to the extent to where most of them are even willing to give up themselves to make sure we're safe, loved, and comfortable. People say that blood is thicker than water; in this case I'd say that fur can be even thicker.”
How does your pup spark joy in your life?
"Herbie sparks joy in my life in so many different ways. From the sweet feeling I get just looking at him to the silly way he tries to roughhouse, using his butt as a weapon. I just love seeing him grow and enjoy life. Watching him eat, get excited over treats, learn new tricks, see people he likes to see, finally figure out what dog toys are, etc. All of those things spark joy, and the coolest part is that not only does he spark joy in me, but in the lives of everyone he meets too. That really sparks joy for me.”

What do you think are the most pressing issues that are in the pet industry today?
“Lost pets or abandonment of animals”
Do you think it's more important to talk about the issues or act on them?
"Both. Conversate and discuss to other humans about the issues and Volunteer or donate to help the animals out there in need.”

Thank you for sharing your story! We hope this will Spark someone to go out and make a difference in an animal’s life. We are so lucky to have doggies in our life!
Check out Herbie's Twitter Here @HerbieMooland
Check out Alyssa's Instagram Here @scarletcat1
- Sparky Steps
As a thank you for sharing your story we designed a cool tee and mug for you and anyone who loves Herbie! Let us know what you think! If you like it feel free to share! 10% of Proceeds gets donated to the ASPCA!
10% of Proceeds gets donated to the ASPCA!
We are looking for people to interview that have a story! Do you have a tale of how your fur babies found its forever home?
Join us with the #SPARKandBARK interviews. Tell us how your pets "SPARKS" joy in your life and "BARK" about it to the world. This way maybe someone will find their own SPARK and find a pet looking for a forever home. Each response will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook and Blog. Just send us a picture of you and your pet and tell us the back story!
That's the goal here at Sparky Steps: inspire, share adorable pictures, make an impact, give back and create a community of people who love animals. Interested in being a part of the community?
Here's the link https://sparkysteps.com/blogs/blog/whats-your-story