We interviewed Moxiethelovebug from Instagram!

Thank you so much for your response! We hope Moxie has a great life and gets less stressed out. With time and patience I'm sure with an human caretaker like you she'll be alright! Thank you for your response and I hope this will Spark someone to go out and make a difference in an animals life!
- Michael Jaurigue
Find them on Instagram at Moxiethelovebug
We are looking for people to interview that have a story! Do you have a tale of how your fur babies found its forever home?
Join us with the #SPARKandBARK interviews. Tell us how your pets "SPARKS" joy in your life and "BARK" about it to the world. This way maybe someone will find their own SPARK and find a pet looking for a forever home.
Each response will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook and Blog. Just send us a picture of you and your pet and tell us the back story! That's the goal here at Sparky Steps: inspire, share adorable pictures, make an impact, give back and create a community of people who love animals. Interested in being a part of the community? Here's the link https://sparkysteps.com/blogs/blog/whats-your-story