5 Ways to Help Your Dog With Separation Anxiety

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Sparky Steps - 5 Ways to Help Your Dog With Separation Anxiety

5 Ways to Help Your Dog With Separation Anxiety

If you’re anything like us at Sparky Steps, nothing breaks your heart more than having to leave your fur baby when you have to go to work. It’s even more heartbreaking if you come home to find that your dog has separation anxiety. Some signs of separation anxiety may include, urinating or pooping inside, any destruction habits, and pacing. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Here are five tips and tricks to help make this situation more bearable and to help your dog’s separation anxiety.


Puzzle Toys

Every time you leave the house, you can offer your dog some form of puzzle toy that will take them an extended period of time to figure out. This will help them associate you leaving with a positive implication--when you leave, they get to figure out a puzzle. This also will help them focus on the mission at hand rather than you leaving. One example of this would be to stuff a KONG toy with peanut butter the night before and put it in the freezer. Other popular puzzle toys include tricky treat balls, and hidden animal toys.



Try to make sure that you incorporate exercise with your dog in your daily routine before you leave. This could mean going on a 30 minute walk or dedicating 30 minutes to playing with your dog before you leave. This will tire out some dogs, but for dogs with a higher energy, this will help them be more relaxed and more open to the idea of resting. If you’re unable to fit this into your schedule, a member of the Sparky Steps team can help! Book our dog walking services today!


Background Noises

Leave on some background calming music for your dog when you leave, or put on the television. This can help your dog relax and feel less isolated and alone. If you don’t know what to play, there are whole playlists of Calming Dog Background Music videos on YouTube.


Create a Space for Them

Dogs are territorial and feel the most comfortable when they are in their own space. If your dog doesn’t have this space, make it for them. You can use a crate and fill that crate with their bed, some toys, and even an old t-shirt of yours. Your smell on the shirt will help calm down your dog. If you don’t want to use a crate, you can still create their own space in your home. Make it a routine to lead them to their space (their dog bed for example) and leave a treat or puzzle toy on their bed for them. This will establish a routine for them as you are leaving and make them be in a more comforting space as you leave.


Help from Humans

Having a friend, family, or local dog walker come in during the day to provide your dog with company and exercise can greatly reduce stress in dog. This stress decreases even more if it is a consistent occurrence and a part of their daily routine. This will help with anxiety due to an increased sense of familiarity and comfort. Find a friend or local dog walker that aims to help decrease your dog’s separation anxiety, utilize these tips and our resources to destress your life.


Written by Carrie Pallardy

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