5 Ways to Support a Friend After a Dog Loss

Category_Dogs Category_Informational Category_Loss Writer_Kathryn_Minniti

Sparky Steps - 5 Ways to Support a Friend after a dog loss

The painful and final goodbye you have to say as your dog travels to the Rainbow Bridge is one of the most difficult, and heart-wrenching experiences. You go from having this furry ball of love in your home all day every day to a quiet, empty house. No more paws pattering on the floor, and no more hello kisses. You don’t have your partner-in-crime to finish off your leftover dinner, or the instant vacuum cleaner they become when you drop a crumb. You even start to realize the annoying things they used to do don’t seem so annoying to you anymore. Maybe it was too early, or maybe the right time, but to all that have endured a loss of a dog, I see you and I feel your heartbreak. If you haven’t had the experience yourself, you may need help with comforting loved ones. Here are 5 ways to help someone that is grieving the loss of their furry friend.


Send a Card of Flowers

A handwritten note or a bouquet of flowers are always a personable way to let someone know (near or far) that you are thinking of them.



Listen to them speak about their loss and memories of their dog. Take their grieving seriously, and don’t put a time limit on their grievances.


Give a memorial gift

Always in their heart and home, give the gift of a memorial item. Here are a few of my recommendations: Rainbow Bridge bracelet One of my personal favorite websites, iheartdogs, has a selection of memorial items for those who have lost their pal. I recommend the bridge bracelet that not only is a great gift, but purchasing it feeds three shelter dogs! Remembrance keychain This custom keychain is to keep their furry companion with them wherever they go. Photo frame There are a few ways you can go about a photo frame. You can choose a generic frame that allows them to see their pal without a memorial message, or there are frames dedicated to lost dogs. Here is my favorite choice. Custom ornament Here we have a two-sided custom ornament for the holiday season or all year long. I would have a favorite photo on the front, and then your message on the back.


Donate in their name

Donate to a dog charity in the owner/dogs name. You can ask your friend to choose, or select one of the following:

Get them out of the house

Get your loved one out of the house and take their mind elsewhere. You can invite them over to watch movies (try avoiding these), go to the theater, bowling, or out to eat. Always remember that the loss of a dog can be equally as painful as someone losing a member in their family. Be there for the if you can, they will appreciate it!


Written by Kathryn Minniti

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