Preparing Your Pup For Spring

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Preparing Your Pup For Spring

There may still be a chill in the air, but spring is just around the corner and I'm already starting to see loving pet owners bringing their dogs into the open air. With the changing of the seasons it's time to consider taking preventive actions and remaining at the forefront of pet care so your little friends are ready for a spring and summer full of fun.


Brush, Brush, Brush

This is the season when most canines will shed as they dispose of their winter coat for a slenderer coat intended for the hotter temperatures. The best thing you can do is to brush your dog routinely. At this time, you might need to put a little bit of money into a brush intended to help with shedding. This will help keep your home a little more orderly especially during spring cleaning! Grooming isn’t always the easiest so if you need some advice check out our recent post on How to Make Bathing a Dog Easier!


Heartworm Preventative

Heartworm ailment is a possibly deadly condition brought about by parasitic worms that are transmitted by means of mosquitos. Even if you do not live in an area where mosquitoes thrive in the spring, remain mindful. The American Heartworm Society proposes that all pets ought to be treated. A tablet or topical treatment are both acceptable depending on the likes and dislikes of your pet. Visit the American Heartworm Society to become mindful of the threat of potential hazards and risks.


Fleas and Ticks

Mosquitos aren't the only concern when the weather starts to become more pet friendly. Bugs and ticks additionally return in full force and can wreak havoc on your pet. While bugs and ticks can be gotten any time of year, your pet is bound to come into contact with them frolicking in the grass, hiking with you, or playing at any dog park. Insects aren't just an irritant, like mosquitoes they can likewise bring with them infection and various medical issues. Check out American Society for Prevention of Cruelty of Animals for more information on preventing fleas and ticks.


Update Tags and Chips

Odds are your dog is required by neighborhood laws to have labels. These are effortlessly acquired when your pet goes in for their shots. If your pooch has a microchip, it is a smart thought to guarantee that all the data is kept up to date as well. Additional time spent outside methods more possibilities for your pet to sneak off or get lost so being sure that their information, your contact information and any other needed details are kept relevant.


Check Your Yard

If you are blessed to have a yard in the city the spring is the perfect time to look things over and check if there are any harmful materials that may have been hidden by snow. You need to ensure there are no gaps in your fence your pets can escape from. You additionally need to check your yard for risks that can hurt your pooch while playing such as sharp objects. Also remember as you begin to take care of your yard there are certain garden nourishments, plants, and bug sprays harmful to pets, so be mindful of what you use and always read the label well!


Check the Weather

At the point when temperatures climb, so too does the danger of your pet overheating. On hotter days, you might need to walk your pet toward the beginning of the day or night to keep away from high afternoon temperatures, and on the off chance that you have the choice, pick a grass or soil over potentially blistering black-top. Make certain to bring water for your little guy on long strolls or climbs, and pay special attention to unnecessary gasping, faltering, and high internal heat level. Check out our post on How to Walk Your Dog in Wet Weather for tips on surviving the rainy months.


Spring and warmer weather are desperately needed after the Chicago winter blues but it is always best to stay mindful of any risks that come with the seasonal change and be prepared so your pets can have a safe and happy experience as well!



Written by James Novotny


An Ohio native, James Novotny is a professional event coordinator, life-coach and lifestyle writer based in Chicago. As a freelance writer Novotny has created content across various industries including life mentoring, event planning, mental health, culture and fashion.






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