Best Gifts for Your Cat This Holiday Season

Category_Cats Category_Holidays Category_Informational Writer_Arthur_Thares

Sparky Steps - Best Gifts for Your Cat This Holiday Season

We know that cats are family, and around this time of year, it is customary for many people to get gifts for family members. The problem is that shopping for a cat in your family is harder than shopping for a family member you barely know. Part of the feline mystique is their seemingly apathetic nature, so finding something that your kitty will enjoy can be a challenge. Lucky for you, we have compiled a list of gifts for your cat that will be, well, the cat’s pajamas.


  1. An Activity Tower

You love cats like us, so chances are you already have one of these, but if not, now is the perfect time to splurge for one. Place it next to a window, and it will become your cat’s favorite place to play and sleep. The only downside is that this gift can be a little cost prohibitive and takes up a little room, especially in an apartment.


  1. Amazon Prime Pet Box

Amazon’s answer to the Bark Box is a perfect balance of toys and treats. It is budget friendly and comes with all kinds of awesome stuff that your cat will love. One more thing that makes this box a great option is that you don’t have to deal with subscriptions, you can order one and be done, though you are probably going to want more.


  1. Automatic Rotating Laser Pointer

You would do anything for your cat, but sometimes their energy level can outlive yours; that is where this fun toy comes in handy. It is all the fun of a laser pointer, but you don’t have to be a part of it if you don’t want to. Just turn the machine on and watch your kitty chase the little red dot around for hours.


  1. Concealed Motion Toy

If lasers aren’t your thing, there is this super fun cat toy. You know the game you play where your cat chases your foot under the bed covers? This toy does that for you, and you can watch your cat enjoy chasing the hidden toy without the worry of your toes getting caught in the crosshairs.


  1. Cat Sitting

One of the greatest gifts you can give your cat is the gift of someone who cares about your cat almost as much as you do. At Sparky Steps, we love animals and caring for your cat is more than just a job to us. Gifting your cat Sparky Steps cat sitting service or any cat sitting service while you are away is the gift that keeps on giving year-round.


  1. Cat Tunnel

Cat tunnels are a perfect way to give your cat a stimulating play area without having to sacrifice space. Your cat can zip around in this for hours without getting bored, and when it’s time for a cat nap, you can simply fold it up and store it under a bed or in the closet.


  1. Grow Your Own Cat Grass

If you have never tried this before, you and your cat will love it! This grass grows so easily that even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to grow it indoors. Cats love to snack on this grass which is great for them and may save some of your other plants as well. No matter what you decide to get for your cat this holiday season, we’re sure they’ll love it because they love you. 

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Written by Arthur Thares

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