Interview With LazyDogAwardGoesTo

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We interviewed Khaleesi, A.K.A. LAZYDOGAWARDGOESTO on Instagram!

So What's Your Story?

"Khaleesi was an abused dog that was rescued and spent a year at Rescue in Illinois. The owner of the shelter was weary on us adopting her because she was very moody. She would switch to defensive quickly and had nipped at the shelter manager a couple of times. It was fate that she came to us. We previously had an adult dog we adopted from the Houston SPCA and we named him Boo. Boo was the light of our life. He went everywhere with us. He wasn't the brightest, but he was happy to be anywhere. We lost boo in a tragic accident after a few years. About 8 months later my boyfriend was scrolling Petfinder and found Khaleesi and called out to me saying we found a female Boo. I kid you not they looked so similar. We put in an application and sat on it not sure if we were going to pull the trigger because we would have to drive to Illinois. Plus, the shelter was Leary due to her moods/trauma.

I somehow got the shelter manager comfortable with me (my bf is a sweetheart but isn't the best at phone conversations). My bf and his best friend drove to Florida to see space X. He and his best friend then drove all the way to Illinois to PAWS and met Khaleesi. PAWS decided they would let him adopt and would be in constant contact to see how she is. He and his friend drove all the way back to Houston and I got a call at Midnight to wait up for him to arrive. Around 2 am his showed up in the hallway in my apt with her with him. We fell in love with each other. We bonded instantly. When I'm sad she comforts me, she walks over and snuggles me. The other day she was eating (her favorite things btw, she has never paused while eating) my boyfriend let out an aggravated sigh and she (for the first time ever) paused her eating to go over to him to give him cuddles. She has only bit once, and that was due to my bf's not so smart actions (he tried to take her food bowl away from her while eating-he was “trying” to teach her not to base guard. This was within a month of her being with us. Not happened since. She is my best friend and we love her so much."


Thank you for participating in our Spark and Bark Interviews! Khaleesi is blessed to have found you guys. I hope this post sparks some joy in our readers. Stay safe out there everyone!

- Michael Jaurigue

Find them on Instagram at LAZYDOGAWARDGOESTO

We are looking for people to interview that have a story! Do you have a tale of how your fur babies found its forever home? Join us with the #SPARKandBARK interviews. Tell us how your pets "SPARKS" joy in your life and "BARK" about it to the world. This way maybe someone will find their own SPARK and find a pet looking for a forever home. Each response will be featured on our Instagram, Facebook and Blog. Just send us a picture of you and your pet and tell us the back story! That's the goal here at Sparky Steps: inspire, share adorable pictures, make an impact, give back and create a community of people who love animals. Interested in being a part of the community? Here's the link




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