Standard, Miniature, and Giant Schnauzers: A Breed Guide
Carrie Pallardy
Carrie Pallardy

Schnauzers have prominent eyebrows and beards, adding to their expressive, inquisitive faces. The term “Schnauzer” applies to three different breeds: the Miniature, the Standard, and the Giant. What is the difference between the three breeds, and what can you expect when you become a Schnauzer owner?

The History of the Schnauzer
The Standard Schnauzer is the oldest of the three breed variations, according to the Standard Schnauzer Club of America. The breed has a long history working alongside humans, as far back as the Middle Ages, and the American Kennel Club (AKC) still includes it in the working group. The Miniature Schnauzer likely arose through breeding with the Affenpinscher, a small fluffy dog in the toy group. The AKC first recognized the miniature variety in 1926, according to The American Miniature Schnauzer Club.
The Giant Schnauzer first made an appearance in the 1800s. It was bred up, the practice of breeding to single out a specific trait, from the Standard Schnauzer in the Bavarian Alps, according to the AKC.
Three Breeds
Size is, of course, the biggest difference between the three Schnauzer breeds. How can you differentiate between the Miniature, Standard, and Giant varieties?

Miniature. The Miniature Schnauzer weights between 11 and 19 pounds, according to The Spruce Pets. Unlike the Standard and Giant Schnauzers, this breed is considered a part of the terrier group. These dogs have a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years, according to the AKC.

Standard. The Standard Schnauzer can weight more than twice as much as the Miniature, with males as heavy as 50 pounds and females as much as 45 pounds, according to The Spruce Pets. The Standard variety has a slightly longer life expectancy of 13 to 16 years, according to the AKC.

Giant. Giant Schnauzers are naturally the largest breed. Males can weigh up to 95 pounds, and females can weigh up to 75 pounds, according to The Spruce Pets. These dogs have the same life expectancy as the Miniature Schnauzer breed.
You can expect to spot Schnauzers with black or salt and pepper coats.

Caring for a Schnauzer
In general, Schnauzers are friendly, eager-to-please dogs, but you can expect different personality traits to surface among the different breeds. For example, Miniature Schnauzers will not have energy levels as high as Giant Schnauzers. If you are looking for a pet and kid-friendly dog, a Miniature or Standard Schnauzer may be a better fit than a Giant Schnauzer.
All Schnauzers have a fairly topcoat wiry coat with a softer undercoat, according to the AKC. This fur requires regular care, including trimming, brushing, and washing, to keep your pup happy and healthy.
Finding Your Pup
If you have decided that a Schnauzer is the right fit for your home, you have different options to find your new pup. You can explore adoption through organizations like the Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Illinois and the Midwest, or you can go the breeder route. However you decide to pick out your dog, make sure you do your research ahead of time.
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