Our Holiday Favorites

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Sparky Steps - Our Holiday Favorites from Sparky Steps

Our Holiday Favorites from Sparky Steps

The holiday season is still going strong here in the Windy City. This is perhaps best accentuated by the freezing temperatures we’re currently experiencing (burr)! Earlier on, Sparky Steps provided our clients with a list of awesome holiday gifts we thought your pets would love. https://sparkysteps.com/holiday-gifts-dog-will-love/ .Now, it’s time to hear from you guys! What gifts did you get your dog or cat? Did you take cool pictures of them in elf and Santa costumes? Post them on your favorite social media platform and be sure to tag us! Use the hashtags #SparkySteps #SparkyHolidays #SparkyPresents. On top of that, we here at Sparky Steps wanted to share some of our favorite flicks this holiday season that we sat and watched with our furry friends. Let us know if these are some of your favorites, too!


"Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas”

This film has to be one of our favorites. There are three mini skits under the umbrella of this work. The first part stars Donald Duck and his nephews. After an amazing Christmas Day, they wish that it could be Christmas forever. However, this proves to be quite overwhelming when their wish comes true. They live the same day over, and over and over again. It is up to them to discover the true meaning of Christmas, to reverse their wish. The second part features Goofy and his son Max. Goofy attempts to mend his neighbor’s meddling in Max’s Christmas spirit by convincing him there really is a Santa Clause. The third and final scene stars Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Burdened by financial restraints, Mickey and Minnie both work very hard to get each other that perfect gift, but it has quite a twist ending.


“A Charlie Brown Christmas”

This film is a classic. Charlie Brown sets out to discover the true meaning of Christmas, with special appearances by his best friend, the beagle Snoopy. This movie is sure to warm your heart!


“Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch stole Christmas”

The new-age Grinch featuring Jim Carrey can be quite outlandish, but it has some amazing elements to it. Throughout the film, the Grinch’s love for his dog Max is emphasized, despite his lack of liking of other people. Plus, the fact that Max can love the Grinch despite it all shows the true loving spirit of dogs.


“The Nightmare Before Christmas”

Zero is Jack Skellington’s best friend. The ghostly dog is Jack’s ultimate source of comfort and solace in his darkest hours.


A Garfield Christmas”

John, Garfield and Odie venture up to the country for Christmas. This magical cartoon shows Garfield’s progression from not wanting to be bothered with his relatives, to him coming to terms with the true meaning of Christmas. Plus, him and Odie actually get along at the end, which is unusual for the pair of them!


Happy holidays from all of us at Sparky Steps! Share this article and tell us your holiday favorite movies! Cheers and don't let the dog get into the eggnog! 


Written by Christian Harvey

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