Understanding the Buzz About CBD for Dogs

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Sparky Steps - Understanding the Buzz About CBD for Dogs

Understanding the Buzz About CBD for Dogs

Recreational marijuana is legal in Illinois, effective Jan. 1, 2020, according to the Chicago Tribune. This is big news for people, but pet owners already have the option to buy CBD-based products for their dogs. What should pet parents know before jumping feet (and paws) first into this major trend?

What is CBD?

CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is a compound extracted from the cannabis plant. Unlike the compound THC, CBD is not psychoactive, according to PetMD. In other words, CBD will not get your dog high. Instead, CBD is getting so much interest for its potential to treat pain and other conditions in both dogs and humans.

How Can CBD Help Dogs?

There has yet to be much formal scientific research backing the benefits of CBD in dogs, but some small studies and anecdotal evidence from owners point to potential uses, according to the American Kennel Club. For example, a Colorado State University clinical trial saw positive results when using CBD to manage the frequency of canine seizures. Of the dogs treated with CBD oil in the study, 89 percent had a reduced frequency of seizures. The study author hopes to conduct more research, according to the report. The AKC lists other potential pet health issues CBD could treat, including inflammation, pain, and anxiety. Some pet owners are turning to CBD products to help get their dogs through the constant fireworks of July 4, according to the Chicago Tribune.


Should You Give Your Dog CBD?

Pet stores are selling CBD treats and tinctures, and plenty of people are talking about the benefits. But, is CBD right for your pet? If your dog has health issues like pain from arthritis or anxiety, it is possible CBD could be a treatment. Whenever you are considering a new medication for your dog, talk to your vet first. Your vet can talk about any potential side effects (dry mouth and sleepiness two of the most common ones) and help you determine the right dosage, according to the AKC. We are at the early stages of understanding the risks and benefits of CBD, so keep an eye out for any new research and keep in touch with your vet. If you and your vet agree that your dog should begin taking CBD, make sure you understand the dosage and schedule for administering it. 


Written by Carrie Pallardy

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