Blog — Category_Holidays
Thanksgiving Leftovers Your Pets Can (and Can't) Eat
Category_Diet Category_Dogs Category_Health Category_Holidays Category_ThanksGiving Category_Treats

Leftovers Your Pets Can (and Can’t) Eat Turkey Day was just last week. Leftovers are a-plenty, and can seem overwhelming at times. Our pets serve many purposes in our households, and disposing of unwanted food is one of their greatest strengths. However, be careful which Thanksgiving favorites you feed them! Below is a quick guide on which foods are okay for them to eat, and which are not. Turkey- Yes (for the most part) Turkey can be a very healthy food for your dog. The meat of the turkey is packed with protein and other nutrients that are essential...
Dog Friendly and Unfriendly Halloween Treats!
Category_Dogs Category_Halloween Category_Holidays Category_Treats Writer_Saarah_Monawvil

Dog Friendly and Unfriendly Halloween Treats! Halloween is right around the corner, and so are all those delicious Halloween treats and candies that’ll last through to Thanksgiving! Discounted bags of chocolates, trick-or-treaters, office parties, citywide celebrations -- Halloween is full of sugary and baked goodness that will have our kitchens filled to the brim with snacks. And while we’re indulging, our furry friends are sure to have their puppy dog eyes and adorable snouts right next to us, begging for any little taste they can get or for the split second we turn our backs. But we must proceed with...
5 Safety Tips for your dog this Halloween
Category_Activities Category_Halloween Category_Holidays Category_Safety Writer_Christian_Harvey

5 Safety Tips for your dog this Halloween Halloween is coming up, and it’s sure to be a spook-tastic time! We here at Sparky Steps love Halloween, and are excited to introduce our first annual costume contest! Plus, we wanted to give all dog owners some tips to ensure your pup has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Don’t leave candy or chocolate out Trick-Or-Treating is always essential when it comes to Halloween. Free candy? Awesome costumes? Score! But, it’s important to make sure that your dog can’t get to any of your succulent sweets, as they could make them...